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TB Studio csapatkép 2024 v2.jpg

Se időd, sem kedved nincs a fotózáshoz. Tudjuk.

You are not alone. We have already helped more than 4,100 ordinary people like you overcome their objections to portrait photography.


What is our secret? We will take you through the process of the 7-Step Premium Photo Experience developed by the founder of our studio, Balázs Tóth. We constantly provide you with useful advice, starting with the suggested preparations, through the instructions during the photo shoot, and up to the optimal use of the finished retouched images. Meanwhile, we like to have a good time.


No profile picture
rossz önéletrajz fotó
jó önéletrajz fotó

Take a look at the behind the scenes video that we filmed during photographing the board of directors of Zwack Inc.

Legyen egy naprakész portfóliód.

Sosem tudhatod előre, hogy mikor kérnek tőled egy aktuális portré fotót.

prezenctáció fotó ikon


Ma szóltak, hogy jövő héten lesz egy konferencia, amire be tudnál ugrani előadónak, csak küldj egy képet ma estig, hogy be tudjanak promózni...

social media hirdetés fotó ikon.png



  • we create a relaxed atmosphere during photography

  • we show you the secret of the engaging facial expression

  • we'll figure out you the best settings for everyone

  • as a result employees love to use our photos on their social profiles

interjú fotó ikon


Egy üzleti magazin megkeres, hogy az aktuális számba szeretnének egy interjút veled. Még a héten le kell adni a cikket a fotóddal együtt, mert a jövő héten már nyomtatásba megy...

konyvborito foto logo

Because the professionals choose us.

We have long-term contracts with many well-known large companies to photograph their new colleagues.​ See our

Pr fotó ikon

Because our photos make money.

If only one new business comes together because the client found you trustworthy based on your photos, then the price of the photo shoot has already returned.​

belsős kommunikáció fotó ikon

Because it's easy to work with us.

We take our job esriously but we do love to laugh. A lot. :)​

Rólunk mondták

Szpisják Tibor fotó

Szpisják Tibor| CEO - HP Entrprise

“Ahogy megláttam az első pár képet, már tudtam, hogy jól választottam! Az egész fotózás nagyon gördülékenyen ment, mindenre előkészültek és egy percig sem éreztem kényelmetlenül magam."

Üzleti portréfotózási

(kattints a + jelre a részletekért)

headshot fotózás Tóth Balázs portré fotós
  • How many times can I change clothes during the photo shoot?
    We have no such restrictions. We calculated the photo shoot times in such a way that there would be plenty of time even for multiple disguises. The more clothing sets you bring with you, the more variations we can make for you!
  • Do I get all the raw images too?
    No, we will only give you the ones selected for retouching from the photos taken at your photo shoot. It is important to us that the photos we receive are only of the best quality, but for this we need to retouch them.
  • When will I receive the finished retouched images?
    After selecting the photos, your photos will be ready within 10 working days. If you need the retouched photos sooner, you can request ASAP retouching for an additional fee.
  • How long do you keep the raw images?
    We store raw images on our servers for at least 6 months. So if you want to order more pictures a few months after the photoshoot, you can do so. We keep the retouched photos indefinitely, so you can request them from us again at any time.
  • Can I pay by bank card?
    Yes, we have a bank card terminal in our studio. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, and you can also pay via Apple Pay or Google Pay.
portré fotózás budapest Tóth Balázs
  • How many times can I change clothes during the photo shoot?
    We have no such restrictions. We calculated the photo shoot times in such a way that there would be plenty of time even for multiple disguises. The more clothing sets you bring with you, the more variations we can make for you!
  • Do I get all the raw images too?
    No, we will only give you the ones selected for retouching from the photos taken at your photo shoot. It is important to us that the photos we receive are only of the best quality, but for this we need to retouch them.
  • When will I receive the finished retouched images?
    After selecting the photos, your photos will be ready within 10 working days. If you need the retouched photos sooner, you can request ASAP retouching for an additional fee.
  • How long do you keep the raw images?
    We store raw images on our servers for at least 6 months. So if you want to order more pictures a few months after the photoshoot, you can do so. We keep the retouched photos indefinitely, so you can request them from us again at any time.
  • Can I pay by bank card?
    Yes, we have a bank card terminal in our studio. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, and you can also pay via Apple Pay or Google Pay.
portréfotózás kiszállással Tóth Balázs
  • How many times can I change clothes during the photo shoot?
    We have no such restrictions. We calculated the photo shoot times in such a way that there would be plenty of time even for multiple disguises. The more clothing sets you bring with you, the more variations we can make for you!
  • Do I get all the raw images too?
    No, we will only give you the ones selected for retouching from the photos taken at your photo shoot. It is important to us that the photos we receive are only of the best quality, but for this we need to retouch them.
  • When will I receive the finished retouched images?
    After selecting the photos, your photos will be ready within 10 working days. If you need the retouched photos sooner, you can request ASAP retouching for an additional fee.
  • How long do you keep the raw images?
    We store raw images on our servers for at least 6 months. So if you want to order more pictures a few months after the photoshoot, you can do so. We keep the retouched photos indefinitely, so you can request them from us again at any time.
  • Can I pay by bank card?
    Yes, we have a bank card terminal in our studio. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, and you can also pay via Apple Pay or Google Pay.
portré fotózás kiszállással stúdió.
  • How many times can I change clothes during the photo shoot?
    We have no such restrictions. We calculated the photo shoot times in such a way that there would be plenty of time even for multiple disguises. The more clothing sets you bring with you, the more variations we can make for you!
  • Do I get all the raw images too?
    No, we will only give you the ones selected for retouching from the photos taken at your photo shoot. It is important to us that the photos we receive are only of the best quality, but for this we need to retouch them.
  • When will I receive the finished retouched images?
    After selecting the photos, your photos will be ready within 10 working days. If you need the retouched photos sooner, you can request ASAP retouching for an additional fee.
  • How long do you keep the raw images?
    We store raw images on our servers for at least 6 months. So if you want to order more pictures a few months after the photoshoot, you can do so. We keep the retouched photos indefinitely, so you can request them from us again at any time.
  • Can I pay by bank card?
    Yes, we have a bank card terminal in our studio. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, and you can also pay via Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Nem vagy biztos benne, hogy milyen típusú business fotókra lenne szükséged? Szívesen segítünk kitalálni a saját márkádához legjobban illeszkedő stílust.

Stúdió portréfotózás foglalása

8 év és több, mint 2500 fotózás tapasztalata.


five stars_edited_edited.png

169 vélemény alapján a Google-ön.


Halasi Richárd portréfotós


Csapatunk senior fotósa, Balázs elsőszámú tanítványa.


Headshot (60 perc)

69.000 Ft

Portré  (120 perc)

119.000 Ft

Retusálási díj/kép

12.000 Ft

Profi smink nőknek

15.000 Ft

Tóth Balázs portréfotós
HSC logo 2023


Stúdiónk alapítója, a világ 150 legjobb headshot fotósának egyike.


Headshot (60 perc)

119.000 Ft

Portré  (120 perc)

199.000 Ft

Retusálási díj/kép

12.000 Ft

Profi smink nőknek

15.000 Ft

A fotózási díj tartalmazza:

styling tanácsadás portréfotózáshoz

Styling tanácsadás: a hozott darabokból a legjobb szettek összeállítása

jótanács csomag portré fotózáshoz

Felkészítő csomag: előzetes szöveges és videós anyagok arról, hogy mivel készülj a fotózásra

coaching portré fotózáshoz

Coaching: a fotósod rád hagnolódva, a személyi-ségedet figyelembe véve hozza ki belőled a maximumot.

válogatás galéria portré fotókból

Galéria: a fotózás napján kiválasztott képeket meg tudod nézni online galériában

A feltüntetett árak nettó árak.

A szolgáltatás magánszemélyek részére alanyi áfa mentes.

Az időpont foglalásához 30.000 Ft előleg befizetése szükséges (lásd az előleg fizetéssel kapcsolatos szabályzatunkat).

custom offer


We would like to know more about your company and how we can help you.

Contact Balázs for a custom offer:

Balázs Tóth

+36 30 616 9059

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